Friday, July 29, 2016

not someday, today..

We are living in an extraordinary moment. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society  is supporting research that is on the brink of incredible breakthroughs which have already begun to change the lives of thousands of patients.  There are new treatments that can manage a person's condition with a daily pill, therapies which seek out cancer cells and kill them, and the use of a patient's own immune system to eradicate cancer not someday, but today. Jenn is living proof of this...

Our donations (yours and mine) have made this possible. And continues to make this possible. You've made a difference! Doesn't that knowledge give your heart and spirit a little lift in these difficult times? Feel free to donate again! Feel free to invite your friends and family to donate too! 

You can do so right here!

I'll close out this update with some words from Jenn. I am so very grateful and happy to be able to share them with you...

I cannot express how much I appreciate the love and support that I have received the last 7 months.
It has been an incredible journey and I have every intention of paying all the love, support and kindness forward. 

The last 6 weeks following my 6th round of chemo have been a bit rough. I have had to take a step back and reevaluate my fitness goals. Fatigue got the best of me. I don't know that I will make my goal of running a full marathon by the end of the year, but that's okay.

Sending you all lots of love and thanks. Remember your health is the most important priority you have. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others. 
                     Love, Jenn

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

trail running with wildlife

Went for a walk with the dogs and my husband last night at dusk, and almost ran smack dab into a mama deer with three tiny spotted fawns... paused for a moment to watch her silently shepherd them to safety at the edge of the trees.

Unfortunately, it was too dark to take photos.

I do, however, have a photo of the wildlife Remy and I saw on our Sunday morning run. I give you now....  the elusive trail hippo.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

in other news

long weekend flew by in a flurry of picnicking, paddle boarding, and pouring rain... with a leisurely 16 miler thrown in on Sunday morning for good measure.

am now wishing for more vacation time... even though it's now so hot and steamy out that i want nothing more than to hide out in the air conditioning and just watch through the windows as the gardens turn to a jungle of green. (we're picking green beans, cucumbers and swiss chard daily, and they just keep coming!)

just 5 weeks til i head home to Canada to see my family, celebrate my sister's birthday, meet my new niece and take a little road trip to St John NB to run the Marathon By The Sea... 3 day / 3 race run weekend with my mom! super excited about that.

have a few dear friends who are finding life to be a bit of a struggle right now... sending these words of love straight to their delicate hearts. maybe you need them too.