Saturday, January 2, 2010

c c c cold!

well, first group run of the year was a cold one! cold and windy and blue skies and sunshiney... glorious, really. except my legs felt like lead, and i just couldn't seem to find my rhythm for some reason.

it's still cold and windy and sunshiney... so blowy the power went out for a few hours.
which has made it rather frosty in the house.

making a hot chocolate to warm me while the heaters take their time in heating up the house.

not one of my mentees made it out for the run today.

hoping that it is just the holidays... i know some people are still away until tomorrow.
next run, i hope to meet them all at last!


  1. I'd have come running today myfriend, but I am struck down with something nasty :(

  2. boo :(

    rest up, drink lots of fluids...

    do you have any running goals for 2010?
